Contoh Perkenalan Diri - Bahasa Inggris

My name is Fuad nasir. My friends usually call me Fuad or Fufu. I come from Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap). I am the first son of my parents. I was born on September 18th , 1992 in Magelang. My mother said that he named me Fuad because
when she was pregnant, she has a favorite actor who played in the electronic cinema and his name in it was Fuad. But, I forget who is his real name. He was a famous handsome artist at the time. So my mother named me because she did hope I would be a handsome and famous person someday. Word “Fuad” comes from Arabic which means “Heart”. While Nasir comes from my father’s name, Muhammad Nasir.
I have a wonderful family. My father, as I have mentioned before named Muhammad Nasir. He has a kind wife, Tatik Darwati. They were meet when my father worked as a charpenter for one of entrepreneur in Sidrap. The work was to build traditional Buginess house in Magelang. My mother worked as a waiter in a small shop. My father always took his lunch there. So, I think you can guess what happened next. I have two brothers and one sister. They are Muhammad galih (18), Anas Nugraha (13), and Anita Putri (4). Our grandparents from my father was passed away while that come from my mother still alive in Magelang. We life in a small house in Jalan Poros Pangkajene near with frontier of Macorawalie and Kadidi.
I started my study at the Elementary School 4 of Macorawalie and became a class champion for six years.. Next, I continued my studies at Junior High School 4 of Panca Rijang who gave me more opportunities to improve my achievement. The achievement that  ever I had while in this school was to become the winner in the literature competition, for example, the Indonesian writing competition and drama / theater. After graduating from Junior High School, then I continued it to Senior High School 1 of Panca Rijang that had given  me a very important role in my academical achievement today. At this school I could  improve my skill than when I was in Junior High School. Starting from  ten to twelve grade, I was always in the top five in the class and seventh place in the general ranking of twelve grade of Science Major. I also had joined several big competitions in Sidrap and get won. Most of these was English Competition. At this school, I had the choice to choose Hasanuddin University as a college I was going to continue my education. Then, I choosed Communication Major as you see now.
I have a big dream to become a great writer that better than Raditya Dika, Arief Muhammad, Alit Suanto, and someone funny (I think) like them. My book genre which I want to write is comedy. After writing a book, I will build a foundation to accommodate people who also like to write comedy book specially from South Sulawesi. When I see the book on the ‘best seller’ part in the book store, I always speak to myself, “Fufu, your book have to be the next here!!!”. It motivated me to keep learning about good writing and of course I’ll keep improve my sense of humor. I have to work hard, don’t forget to pray, then be patient so that I can make my dream comes true.


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